Types of abortion: how do they impact a woman’s body

Today’s woman is vocal about her unwanted pregnancy issues. Thankfully, the digital world today helps women find reliable information about handling an unwanted pregnancy and how they should safely end it.

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There are two popular types of abortion which are also approved by eminent healthcare authorities and professionals. This blog helps you understand those safe methods of pregnancy termination and how you should be ending a pregnancy through them.

Surgical Abortion:

Surgical abortion is a  type of pregnancy termination which is performed through surgical instruments. It is also called an invasive technique of ending an unwanted pregnancy. Though it is an expensive method of abortion, most women who are in the second-trimester unwanted pregnancy prefer it. It is because it is one of the safest second-trimester pregnancy termination methods.

Most side effects of surgical abortion are temporary in nature. However, negligence during surgery can lead to serious vaginal infections. There are two ways women can get the surgical abortion done. They are as follows: (1) Dilation method (2) Suction method.

Both these methods of surgical abortion have to be performed at the clinic.  One cannot end an unwanted pregnancy at home through the surgical method since it is expected to be done by healthcare professionals and experts.

One of the important benefits of surgical methods is that you can undergo surgery within a few hours and get rid of the unwanted pregnancy. Recovery of the same can take a few days.

Medical Abortion:

Medical abortion is a pill-method of ending an unwanted pregnancy. This method is popular among women who have an early unwanted pregnancy. Since the abortion pills function only on pregnancies up to 8-9 weeks of pregnancy gestation, it cannot be used for pregnancy which has crossed the first-trimester.

Mifepristone, Mifeprex and Generic RU 486 are some of the examples of anti-progesterone medicine. Similarly, Misoprostol and Cytolog are examples of prostaglandin medicine. For a complete medical pregnancy termination procedure, a woman requires one pill of anti-progesterone medicine and four pills of prostaglandin medicines.

These pills are supposed to be taken with a gap of 24 hours. Both have different methods of consumption which are easy and can be administered at home. As these pills make hormonal changes in the body, it makes contractions in the uterine lining.

Within a few hours, your body starts reacting to the hormonal changes through cramps in the abdominal area and vaginal bleeding. These two are called the symptoms of the medical abortion procedure.

Both symptoms can remain for a few days up to seven days. As the symptoms stop showing, the pregnancy termination procedure comes to an end. There are a few side effects of such medicine. However, they are temporary and never severe.

Medical abortion is known to be one of the safest ways of ending early unwanted pregnancy. Since it allows you to buy abortion pills online and undergo the medical pregnancy termination procedure at home, it is most preferred by women around the world.

For women who shy away from talking about their unwanted pregnancy problems can consult online and terminate the pregnancy without having to tell anyone.


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