Anxiety And Panic Attacks - Are Anti Depressant Pills Effective?

In today's fast world, do most of the folk's notice twenty-four hours on a daily basis enough to accomplish the tasks that they needed to? More often than not, they may find that they do not have enough time. This lack of time, load and pressure of work creates anxiety and produces panic situations. The result is mind full of tensions and worries. All these factors combined cause loss of sleep, loss of health and other kinds of mental and physical illnesses.

All these things combined drive a person to the use of anti-depressants and other medications. Anti-depressants have been quite popular in treating stress-related diseases in the past and to an extent even now. Taking DEPRESSION PILL is a commonly observed scene across the world now. Nevertheless, is it the correct way out? Is there any other alternative to it?

Millions of people across the globe have been taking anti-depressants for years and are if not completely satisfied. However, anti-depressants take at least a few weeks to act on our body and a significant number of people taking these drugs are not very satisfied.

The biggest problem with the general physicians is that they have very little training in the field of anxiety and panic situations treatments. Thus, it does not become difficult only for the patient but also for the doctor to prescribe drugs under such circumstances.

The point here is that it is not difficult to deal with cases of high cholesterol or blood pressure or high blood sugar etc. the doctor can prescribe any particular treatment for any of these diseases because there are established standards. You can take a few pills and it will come under control. However, unlike all these depression and anxiety is a very complicated illness. It cannot be analyzed in a matter of a few hours and tests. The treatment for such illnesses can go on for up to a few months or years and even the medication goes on for an equally long time. Treatment could be very clearly inferred from here since the results for this kind of illness are not instantaneous.

The important thing in dealing with such cases is the knowledge of the physician. The physician dealing with such kinds of cases must be well informed of the past and all the other related events in connection with the patient. He must also be well informed of past illnesses and medication prescribed. It is the responsibility of the doctor that he must not make the patient entirely dependent on drugs. He should also encourage the patient to undergo psychotherapy as the main course of recovery and drugs should be used as a secondary curing agent.

Latest trends have proven that when psychotherapy and drugs are used together, they have a far more beneficial result than with pills alone. In addition, in most of the cases of mild attack, only psychotherapy should be prescribed. This would also help in keeping the patient away from otherwise almost addictive anti-anxiety, anti-panic drugs.

Panic and anxiety lead to depression at a later stage and are the most common causes of suicides. Most of the teenage suicide cases have been largely due to the factors. As such, we do not see suicides as an innate part of depression but it is the end result in many a case.


But at the end of the day, it is up to you to decide whether you want to take these anti-depressant and anti-anxiety pills or not, but you must weigh the pros and cons of these medicines before taking any further steps. You must consult not just your doctor but also your parents, your friends, your spouse before making a final decision. Above all, you must be totally convinced of your state before going in for any kind of therapy.


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